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    Discussion on the Current Situation and Thinking of International Trade of Carbon Fiber Products



    So we can grasp the competitive advantage from the overall industrial layout of our country.
    Discussion on the Current Situation and Thinking of International Trade of Carbon Fiber Products

    1, China's carbon fiber products industry international trade status quo.

    China began to develop CFRP sports equipment in the early 1980 s.

    1983 The CFRP badminton racket developed by Harbin FRP Research Institute was successfully developed in 1987. A four-person kayak with a honeycomb sandwich structure of carbon fiber and glass fiber hybrid reinforced epoxy resin was successfully developed.

    In the mid-1980s, due to China's reform and opening-up policy and low labor costs, Taiwan gradually transferred the labor-intensive and polluting CFRP sports equipment manufacturing industry to the coastal areas of the mainland.

    For example, 80 per cent of Taiwan's golf clubs, 40.50 per cent of tennis rackets and badminton rackets, and more than 60 per cent of its bicycle rack manufacturing industry have been transferred to Shenzhen, Dongguan, Fuzhou and Xiamen.

    Some developed countries have also transferred this kind of sports equipment manufacturing to China.

    For example, South Korea transferred much of its CFRP fishing rod manufacturing to Tianjin, Weihai and Ningbo in China.

    According to statistics, in 2002, domestic CFRP fishing rods, golf clubs, tennis rackets, bicycles, etc. have accounted for 60%, 60%, 75%, and 65% of the world's similar products. The amount of CF consumed by these CFRP sports and leisure products accounted for about 16% of the world's total CF consumption that year.

    However, due to the international CFRP sports leisure products have been in a saturated state, the future of this product will be basically in a stable state, the annual growth rate of about 1%.

    Launching objects into space requires great thrust, and weight reduction will bring great benefits. In addition, the temperature of space changes violently, requiring materials to be heat-resistant, low-temperature resistant and dimensionally stable. Carbon fiber reinforced composites are ideal materials.

    Therefore, it has been applied in the main structure of artificial satellites, antennas, solar panels, and space shuttles.

    Because the main consideration of aerospace is the material performance, not to consider the cost of materials, so carbon fiber and its composite materials can be used as an indispensable material for research and development.

    In 1995, the amount of advanced composite materials on the B777 aircraft jointly developed by the United States and Japan has reached 24%. As for the new generation of helicopters, its rotating blades and fuselage are almost all made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic.

    With the improvement of the performance of carbon fiber reinforced plastics, its application in the aviation field, especially in large civil aircraft, will be increasing.

    It is precisely because carbon fiber reinforced composites have great application space in the military, carbon fiber precursor has always been used as a military resource, and its technology introduction and trade in goods are also restricted by the import and export of developed countries in the carbon fiber industry.

    According to the existing data analysis, in 2006, the total export volume of carbon fiber products was 60.391343 million US dollars, and the total import volume was 30.159312 million US dollars. We can get that the export of carbon fiber products in our country is greater than the import, maintaining the trade deficit.

    However, from the unit price and amount, we can see that the pattern of China's carbon fiber products import and export is due to quantitative restrictions, the unit price of imports is higher than the unit price of exports, and the number of imports is far less than the number of exports.

    This shows that on the one hand, the developed carbon fiber technology countries have restrictions on my country's imports of carbon fiber products, on the other hand, it shows that my country's trade deficit lies in the processing of carbon fiber products, using China's cheap labor and lower cost of environmental pollution. The production of carbon fiber products is located in China, and carbon fiber products are completed in the mode of a larger number of processing plants.

    According to the theory of factor endowment, the import and export trade of carbon fiber products in China is still a labor-intensive product.

    In recent years, China's carbon fiber market has developed rapidly and is expected to reach 1200t-1500t/a this year, mostly occupied by Formosa Plastics and South Korea products in Japan and Taiwan Province. Recently, American products have also begun to enter the Chinese market.

    In addition, Japan's three small strands of raw silk have been imported into China, and Dongbang is also trying to find channels for import. This is undoubtedly an opportunity for carbon fiber manufacturers who do not have qualified domestic raw silk for the time being, because their selling price is lower than that of domestic products, and their performance and quality are good.

    However, it is a serious challenge to the manufacturers of raw silk and the enterprises that are about to introduce raw silk production lines, forcing them to continuously improve product quality, expand production scale and reduce costs, otherwise there will be certain risks, unless they digest and develop downstream products.

    2, for China's carbon fiber products import and export trade thinking.

    Carbon fiber products and most of China's labor-output products, there are only foreign foundry problems.

    As Lang Xianping said: "In fact, in the process of manufacturing, we destroy our environment, waste our resources, and exploit our labor."

    Although carbon fiber is dubbed a high-tech product, China's deficit is actually a result of low human, resource and environmental costs in exchange for mastering the technical scope of this field. The most basic thing to change this situation is to accelerate the technical development of carbon fiber products and the research and development of high-performance carbon fiber precursor.

    According to Porter's theory of competitive advantage, the competitive advantage of a country or its specific industry is mainly reflected in the core competitiveness of a country or enterprise based on comparative advantage.

    However, simple comparative advantage cannot form competitive advantage. In international competition, several competitive advantages are monopolistic resources and technologies, and innovation ability is the key to competitive advantage.

    However, the overall extensive economic growth mode has not been fundamentally changed, the ability of independent innovation is still relatively low, and the international competitiveness is mainly reflected in the labor-intensive import and export products dominated by low human resource costs.

    Therefore, in the face of the diversified and white-hot international competitive market after the protection period, we should enhance our competitive advantage through innovation, optimize the industrial structure, and transform the potential comparative advantage into the competitive advantage of the international market on the basis of giving full play to the original comparative advantage. Only in this way can we truly realize the promotion of our own international competitiveness and better cope with the current new situation.

    Porter's theory of competitive advantage points out that in the process of forming a country's international competitiveness, four factors, such as a country's factor endowment, demand situation, related or auxiliary industries, company strategy, structure and competition, can promote or hinder the formation of a country's competitive advantage.

    Therefore, the acquisition of a country's competitive advantage is ultimately implemented in its rational allocation of resources and the improvement of industrial structure, so we can grasp the competitive advantage from the overall industrial layout of our country.

    First, integrate resources and take the road of intensive development. China's sustained and rapid growth is basically a simple growth mode with extensive extension and scale orientation, which is very different from the intensive growth of efficiency, quality and environmental protection advocated by international competitiveness. therefore, we should make the economy run at a high level of efficiency by integrating resources and avoiding low-level redundant construction. It also encourages powerful enterprises to "go out" and "grab the cake" in the international market to enhance their competitiveness in the competition.

    Secondly, focus on the regional economy, take the industrial cluster development model. Those industries with strong product correlation and long value chain will be integrated to form regional industrial clusters. Through the cluster internal technology spillover, resource sharing to achieve cost reduction, and form their own core competitiveness.

    Finally, actively guide and strengthen the ability of independent innovation. In international trade, although there are technology spillovers and "learn by doing" (Learn by Doing) effects, we still have to focus on the development of high-tech independent innovation capabilities, which is the main reason for my country's current lack of international competitiveness. We can develop our country's strategic industries that will be competitive in the future through the government's policy guidance and the industrialization of the achievements of universities and scientific research institutions.

    From a technical point of view, the basic factors restricting the development of China-based carbon fiber are the poor quality of the precursor and the lack of high-precision carbonization devices. The national "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" major scientific and technological research topics or "863" plans should be closely focused on this key point. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the problem of auxiliary materials.

    In addition, how to correctly handle the relationship between large tow and small tow-based carbon fiber is also a problem of great concern to the industry in China.

    Large tow carbon fiber is undoubtedly one of the future development directions, which is of great significance to the upgrading of traditional materials and many industries.

    However, considering that China is still in the early stages of development, more than 95% of the market still relies on small tow carbon fiber below 24K, especially 100 of the carbon fiber urgently needed by the military industry is small tow.

    From an international point of view, the current small tow market is still dominant, and the world's largest demand for T300 grade of carbon fiber is rapidly transitioning to the T700 performance level.

    A considerable part of the carbon fiber used in civil construction and sporting goods uses 12K T700 products, while the strength index of large tow carbon fiber 4.9Gpa is difficult to achieve, and its performance dispersion coefficient is larger than that of small tow, which determines that small tow carbon fiber is still needed in some high-tech and military fields and application fields that are related to life safety and require long life.

    Some important industrial fields such as civil construction can also use large tow carbon fiber, but the reinforcement layer is more than the use of the same performance grade of small tow carbon fiber, in order to achieve the same level of reinforcement, thus offsetting its low price advantage.

    For this reason, small tow carbon fiber will still have its strong vitality in a considerable period of time in the future.

    3. Conclusion

    As mentioned above, carbon fiber products are the output of labor-intensive products. To change this situation, we must increase experimental research.

    At present, China's large tow carbon fiber should focus on solving the localization and market development of its precursor.

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