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    Molding Process and Application of Carbon Fiber Tube



    In addition, the wear rate of carbon fiber brake discs is very fast, and the manufacturing cost is also very high.
    Molding Process and Application of Carbon Fiber Tube

    Carbon fiber (CF) is a fibrous carbon material with a carbon content of more than 90%. It is obtained by carbonizing various organic fibers in an inert gas at a high temperature. It has excellent mechanical properties. Especially in a high-temperature inert environment above 2000 ° C, it is the only substance whose strength does not decrease. Carbon fiber and carbon fiber reinforced composite (CFRP) as a new material in the 21st century, its high strength, high elastic modulus and low specific gravity performance, in the car quickly get a wide range of applications, whether it is in the appearance of the vehicle panel, engine compartment Air box, interior door panels or decorative panels, etc., can see the emergence of carbon fiber. Experts point out that carbon fiber will revolutionize the automotive industry in the next five years.


    The carbon fiber coil molding process is a composite product molding method that uses carbon fiber prepreg to hot roll molding on a coil machine.

    The principle is to use the hot roller on the winding machine to soften the prepreg and melt the resin adhesive on the prepreg. Under a certain tension, during the rotation of the roller, the friction between the roller and the mandrel is used to continuously roll the prepreg onto the core to the required thickness, and then it is cooled and shaped by the cold roller, removed from the winding machine, and cured in the curing oven. After the pipe is cured, the core model is removed, and the composite material winding pipe can be obtained. According to the feeding method of the prepreg in the molding process, it can be divided into manual feeding method and continuous mechanical method. The basic process is: first, clean the roller, and then heat the roller to the set temperature, adjust the prepreg tension. Do not apply pressure on the roller, wrap the lead cloth around the die coated with release agent for one turn, then put down the pressure roller, put the print head cloth on the hot roller, pull out the prepreg at the same time, stick it on the heating part of the head cloth, and overlap with the lead cloth. The length of the leader cloth is about 800~1200mm, depending on the pipe diameter, the lap length of the leader cloth and the adhesive tape is generally 150~250mm. When rolling thick-walled pipes, during normal operation, the rotation speed of the core mold should be appropriately accelerated, and the speed should be slowed down close to the wall thickness design to reach the design thickness and cut off the adhesive tape. Then, while maintaining the pressure of the roller, the core mold is continuously rotated by 1 to 2 turns. Finally, lift the pressure roller, measure the outer diameter of the tube blank, after passing, take it out from the coiling machine and send it to the curing oven for curing and forming.

    1. Seat heating pad

    Carbon fiber car seat heating pad is a breakthrough in the application of carbon fiber heating in the automotive industry. Carbon fiber heating technology is becoming more and more popular in the automotive supporting market, and it will completely replace the traditional seat heating system. At present, almost all high-end and luxury cars of automobile manufacturers in the world are equipped with this kind of seat heating device, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Honda, Nissan and so on. Carbon fiber thermal load Carbon fiber is a relatively high-performance thermal conductivity material, the thermal efficiency of up to 96%, and in the heating pad

    The uniform cloth ensures that the heat is evenly released in the seat heating area, the carbon fiber thread and the temperature are evenly distributed, and the long-term use of the heating pad ensures that the leather on the seat surface is smooth and intact. No grain marks, no local discoloration. If the temperature exceeds the set range, the power will be cut off automatically. If the temperature cannot meet the temperature requirements, the power will be turned on automatically to adjust the temperature. Carbon fiber is suitable for the infrared wavelength absorbed by the human body, has the health care effect of promoting health, can fully reduce driving fatigue and increase comfort.

    2. Car body, chassis

    Because carbon fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite material has sufficient strength and rigidity, it is suitable for manufacturing the lightest material of automobile body, chassis and other main structural parts. It is expected that the application of carbon fiber composite materials can reduce the weight of automobile body and chassis by 40% ~ 60%, which is equivalent to 1/3~1/6 of the weight of steel structure. The British Materials System Laboratory has studied the weight reduction effect of carbon fiber composite materials. The results show that the weight of the carbon fiber reinforced polymer material body is only 172kg, while the weight of the steel body is 368kg, which is about 50%. And when the production volume is below 20000 vehicles, the cost of producing composite body by RTM process is lower than that of steel body. Toray has established the technology of using carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) to form a car chassis (front floor) in 10 minutes. However, due to the high cost of carbon fiber, the application of carbon fiber composite materials in automobiles is limited, and it is only used in some F1 racing cars, high-end cars and small batch models, such as the Z-9 and Z-22 bodies of B M W company, M3 series roof and body, G M company's Ultralite body, Ford company's GT40 body, Porsche 911 GT3 load-bearing body, etc.

    3. Hub

    The "Megalight-Forged-Series" wheel hub series introduced by Germany's well-known wheel hub manufacturing expert W H E E L S A N D M O R E adopts a two-piece design. The outer ring is made of carbon fiber, and the inner hub is made of lightweight alloy. With stainless steel screws, it can be about 40% lighter than the general wheel hub of the same size. Take a 20-inch wheel hub as an example, the Megalight-Forged-Series rim is only 6kg, compared with the general weight of about 18kg, it is a lot lighter. A set of wheels for a 20-inch Megalight-Forged-Series costs 20000 euros, about 218600 RMB. At present, there are 18~23 inch sizes to choose from. The R-X-X high-end car special wheel made by the British Kahm company using CFRP weighs only 6kg, can drive at high speed, and can minimize the radial inertial force of the wheel. The world's lightest carbon fiber/magnesium wheel developed by the British company DYMAG consists of two parts: carbon fiber wheel mesh and magnesium brake disc, and is connected by special hardware with titanium plating.

    4. Fuel storage tank

    The use of CFRP can achieve a lightweight pressure vessel under the condition of meeting this requirement. With the development of environmentally friendly vehicles (Eco-car), the use of CFRP materials to make fuel storage tanks for hydrogen-fueled fuel cell vehicles has been accepted by the market. According to information from the Japan Energy Agency Fuel Cell Symposium, 5 million cars in Japan will use fuel cells in 2020. Ford Hummer H2H off-road vehicles have also begun to use hydrogen fuel cells, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are expected to reach a certain market size in 2015.

    5. Brake Pads

    Carbon fiber is also used in brake pads because of its environmental protection and wear-resistant characteristics, but products containing carbon fiber composite materials are particularly expensive, so this kind of brake pads are currently mainly used in high-end cars. Carbon fiber brake discs are widely used in racing cars, such as F1 racing cars. It can reduce the speed of the car from 300 km/h to 50 km/h within a distance of 50m. At this time, the temperature of the brake disc will rise above 900°C, and the brake disc will turn red due to absorbing a large amount of heat energy. Carbon fiber brake discs can withstand high temperatures of 2500°C and have excellent braking stability. Although carbon fiber brake discs have excellent deceleration performance, it is not practical to use carbon fiber brake discs on mass-produced cars at present, because the performance of carbon fiber brake discs can only reach the best when the temperature reaches above 800 ℃. In other words, the braking device of the car can enter the best working condition after driving for several kilometers, which is not applicable to most vehicles that only travel short distances. In addition, the wear rate of carbon fiber brake discs is very fast, and the manufacturing cost is also very high.

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